Monday, 30 July 2012

Back on track!!

Back on track as from yesterday I was ill last week and also my star week so I struggled I refrained from weighing myself as I know it would have knocked me back confidence wise... Tbh I can't be arsed to weigh myself anymore as I feel so down when the scales go up so I might just keep at it then wait till I go to the hospital every month and just get them to weigh me!... Another month another stone! I CAN do this!!! <3

1 comment:

  1. I have personally found that NOT weighing myself works great because:

    1) I don't backtrack & eat junk when I realise midweek that Iv lost or gained. Therefore sabotaging my entire week.

    2) Its much more exciting for people to say your loosing weight or to notice a difference in your clothes.....

    At the end of the day its just a number, so long as your loosing weight and your feeling healthier nothing else matters.
